Links for 10-13-17
- Rethinking Monetary Policy in a New Normal - Lael Brainard
- Independent Workers and Policy: Krueger's Moynihan Lecture - Tim Taylor
- The ubiquitous Spanish dollar—a photo essay - Moneyness
- Ten years after the crisis: Looking back, looking forward - VoxEU
- Monetary easing and the Bank of Japan's balance sheet - VoxEU
- Just how tight is the U.S. labor market? - Equitable Growth
- Richard Thaler, Nobel laureate - VoxEU
- The Lost US Lead in Education - Tim Taylor
- We’re About to Fall Behind the Great Depression - The New York Times
- Hassett’s Evidence on Transfer Pricing and the U.S. Trade Deficit - EconoSpeak
- Trade effects of deep agreements - VoxEU
- Quantifying the effect of the Bank of Japan’s equity purchases - VoxEU
- Long-Term U.S. Treasury Bonds Have Lost Their 'Specialness' - NBER Digest
- Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee - The Fed
Posted by Mark Thoma on Friday, October 13, 2017 at 10:51 AM in Economics, Links |
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