Links for 01-23-18
- The Art of the Broken Deal - Paul Krugman
- The G.O.P.’s Doomsday-Machine Politics - Paul Krugman
- The Right Question About Inequality and Growth - Jason Furman
- Marital choices and widening economic inequality - Microeconomic Insights
- "Monetary Policy Accommodation" and Upward-sloping IS curves - Nick Rowe
- Trump’s big choice at Davos - Larry Summers
- More on distinguishing ideas and interests - Dani Rodrik
- Dutiful dirges of Davos - Branko Milanovic
- Microfoundations and the values of policymakers - mainly macro
- The shrinking (US) Risk Premium ~ Antonio Fatas
- Ensuring Stress Tests Remain Effective - Cecchetti & Schoenholtz
- Productivity and secular stagnation in the intangible economy - VoxEU
- The macroeconomic performance paradox: A new model - VoxEU
- The Davos non-paradox - Stumbling and Mumbling
- Fighting Climate Change? We’re Not Even Landing a Punch - The New York Times
- The World’s Priciest Stock Market - Robert J. Shiller
- Blockchain: what it is, what it does, and why you probably don't need one - MacroMania
- Is Bitcoin a Waste of Resources? - Stephen Williamson
- Bitcoin and Illegal Activity - Tim Taylor
- How Do Banks Cope with Loss? - FRBSF
- Modern Times - Economic Principals
Posted by Mark Thoma on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at 11:25 AM in Economics, Links |
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