Links for 02-05-18
- The Death of the Phillips Curve? -
- Let Them Eat French Fries - Paul Krugman
- Jerome Powell’s challenge at the Fed - Larry Summers
- A Few More Words about Janet Yellen - Economic Principals
- A People’s Democracy in America - Tyson & Mendonca
- When Will Tech Disrupt Higher Education? - Kenneth Rogoff
- Big Data, Machine Learning, and Economic Statistics - No Hesitations
- Academic knowledge is not just another opinion - mainly macro
- A New Perspective on Low Interest Rates - Liberty Street Economics
- Financing Intangible Capital - Cecchetti & Schoenholtz
- Who’s Able-Bodied Anyway? - The New York Times
- Reported preference versus revealed preference - VoxEU
- Large models, small models and Brexit - mainly macro
- Unemployment insurance and adverse selection - VoxEU
Posted by Mark Thoma on Monday, February 5, 2018 at 10:36 AM in Economics, Links |
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