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Monday, March 12, 2018

Jobs Report Gives Fed Cover To Retain Gradual Rate Path

Tim Duy:

Jobs Report Gives Fed Cover To Retain Gradual Rate Path: The jobs report gives the Fed cover to retain a gradual rate path. To be sure, the rapid pace of job growth will leave them nervous about an unsustainable pace of growth. But the flat unemployment rate remains consistent with their forecasts. In addition, low wage growth indicates the economy has not pushed past full employment. If inflation remains constrained, the Fed would be pretty much on target for this year. That suggests the three-hike scenario should remain in play. But increased confidence in the outlook and risk management concerns will push up enough “dots” in the next Summary of Economic projections toward four hikes for this year. ...continued here...

    Posted by on Monday, March 12, 2018 at 10:59 AM in Economics, Inflation, Monetary Policy, Unemployment | Permalink  Comments (42)


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