Links for 03-09-18
I kind of got behind...
- The gendered impact of eliminating mandatory retirement - Frances Woolley
- What Do Stock Prices Tell Us about the Economy? - Uneasy Money
- The productivity slowdown and labor’s income share - Equitable Growth
- A new take on low interest rates and risk taking - VoxEU
- Publicly funded applied research pays off - VoxEU
- The Real Engine of the Business Cycle - Amir Sufi & Atif Mian
- Will China Out-Innovate the West?- Edmund S. Phelps
- The Blockchain Pipe Dream - Nouriel Roubini & Preston Byrne
- Trump’s Tax on America - Brad DeLong
- What Insights Do Taxi Rides Offer into Federal Reserve Leakage? - Promarket
- Airlines Use Earnings Calls to Coordinate Capacity Reductions - ProMarket
- A Ranting Old Guy With Nukes - Paul Krugman
- Krugman’s Taking Your Questions on Trade - The New York Times
- Oh, What a Trumpy Trade War! - Paul Krugman
- Keynes on the Sequencing of Economic Policy: Recovery and Reform in 1933 - NBER
- A First Look at Employment - macroblog
- The Misthinking of Globalization—Past, Present, and Future - IGM Forum
- This article at Vox summarizes everything that I've been trying to say - Environmental Economics
- How Will the U.S. Fund its Twin Deficits? - Brad Setser
- Saving the heartland: Place-based policies in 21st Century America - Larry Summers
- Cochrane Fails to Make His Case for the Trump Tax Cut Again - EconoSpeak
- D is for Devastating: A Statistical Error and the Vitamin D Saga - Carola Binder
- The 2016 Sterling Flash Episode - Bank Underground
- Preventing Bank Runs - FRB Richmond
- Did the Dodd-Frank Act End ‘Too Big to Fail’? - Liberty Street Economics
- Currency markets send a warning on the US economy - Larry Summers
- E.U. Pledges to Fight Back on Trump Tariffs as Trade War Looms - The New York Times
- A new fiscal policy for a world of accelerated change and artificial intelligence - Brookings
- Economic Forecasts with the Yield Curve - FRBSF
- Bank Financing: The Disappearance of Interbank Lending - Cecchetti & Schoenholtz
- Janet Yellen: 10 quotes on her past and the economy - Brookings
- Questions - Tim Duy's Fed Watch
- The Macroeconomics of Trade War - Paul Krugman
- Consensus and mutual understanding - Understanding Society
- The economic and political cost of UK austerity - mainly macro
- Why do beginner econometricians get worked up about the wrong things? - Frances Woolley
- Sorting, incentives, and excessive managerial pay - VoxEU
- Top5itis: The Disease that Affects Economics - ProMarket
Posted by Mark Thoma on Friday, March 9, 2018 at 11:08 AM in Economics, Links |
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