Links for 03-12-18
- Trump’s Trade Gimmickry - Dani Rodrik
- The three mistakes of centrism - mainly macro
- Trump’s Negative Protection Racket (Wonkish) - Paul Krugman
- Graphs for the Most Basic of Business Cycle Macro Analyses - Brad DeLong
- Inflation? Bring It On. Workers Could Actually Benefit. - Isabel Sawhill
- Immigration: the wrong battle - Stumbling and Mumbling
- Potential threats to central bank independence - VoxEU
- The New Fama Puzzle, post-ZLB - Econbrowser
- FedView - FRBSF
- Special Greeting from the UCLA Causality Blog - Judea Pearl
- Putin’s Stated Plan: A High-Tech Russian Doll - Economic Principals
- The many flaws in the Senate’s rollback of Dodd-Frank - Jared Bernstein
- Job Growth Soars in February, Wage Growth Slows - Dean Baker
- How poor was 18th century France? - Notes On Liberty
- Wicksellian Exchange Rate – losinterest
- Some Economics of Place-Based Policies - Tim Taylor
- The New York Fed DSGE Model Forecast–March 2018 - Liberty Street
- Medicine Markup - FRB Richmond
- Too Many Co-Authors - FRB Richmond
- Interview of Jean Tirole - FRB Richmond
Posted by Mark Thoma on Sunday, March 11, 2018 at 09:09 PM in Economics, Links |
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