Links for 04-04-18
- Trade Wars, Stranded Assets, and the Stock Market - Paul Krugman
- No, “Obamasclerosis” wasnt a real problem for the economy - Larry Summers
- Will China Really Supplant US Economic Hegemony? - Kenneth Rogoff
- Consumption data: New frontiers - VoxEU
- The dollar-euro exchange rate, 2016-2018 - VoxEU
- India’s Path to Stigmatized Capitalism - Arvind Subramanian
- What’s the Matter With Trumpland? - Paul Krugman
- Inequality and poverty - Stumbling and Mumbling
- Safeguarding public interests in the platform economy - VoxEU
- A recipe for monetary policy in emerging market economies - VoxEU
- Flexible Price-Level Targeting in the Big Picture - macroblog
- Raising the Speed Limit on Future Growth - FRBSF
Posted by Mark Thoma on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 09:54 AM in Economics, Links |
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