- The Death of Acceleration (Wonkish) - Paul Krugman
- Fiscal policy remains in the stone age - mainly macro
- It's a (low inflation) trap! - Antonio Fatas
- Initial Coin Scams - Nouriel Roubini
- Let Them Eat Trump Steaks - Paul Krugman
- Inflation, globalisation, and competition - VoxEU
- The Double Standard of America’s China Trade Policy - Dani Rodrik
- Job Guarantee: Marxist or Keynesian? - Stumbling and Mumbling
- Estimating Aggregate Fiscal Multipliers from Local Data - FRB Richmond
- Some Economic Effects of US Import Restraints - Tim Taylor
- Disaggregating the Fall in China's Current Account Surplus - Brad Setser
- More From Your Horseshoe Crab Blood Economics Leader - Tim Taylor
- Beauty contests and the term structure - VoxEU
Posted by Mark Thoma on Friday, May 11, 2018 at 01:40 PM in Economics, Links |
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