- Free markets require robust social insurance. - The Washington Post
- "The Very Structure of Capitalism Is Inherently Monopolistic" - ProMarket
- Is the Great Recession Still Holding Down Wages? (Wonkish) - Paul Krugman
- Unemployment Falls to 3.9 percent, Wage Growth Remains Weak - Dean Baker
- Apple and the Fruits of Tax Cuts - Paul Krugman
- Progress in economics - Stumbling and Mumbling
- Hamilton on Econometrics, Energy, and Low Interest Rates - David Beckworth
- Rising Bilateral Deficit with China, Negotiations Over China 2025 - Brad Setser
- Spring 2018 Journal of Economic Perspectives is Online - Tim Taylor
- Donald Trump’s Normal Fed - Kenneth Rogoff
- The influence of Karl Marx—a counterfactual - globalinequality
- Don’t go spare over excess capacity in manufactures - VoxEU
- Financial globalisation, bank lending and the limits of monetary policy - VoxEU
- Politicians Don’t Need New Ideas - Paul Krugman
- Why was economics so insular? - mainly macro
- The Eurasian Landbridge and China's Belt and Road Initiative - VoxEU
- Can an Emerging Economy Hold Too Many Foreign Assets? - Brad Setser
Posted by Mark Thoma on Friday, May 4, 2018 at 10:31 AM in Economics, Links |
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