Links (6/28/18)
- The value of late-in-life health care spending - MIT News
- The Great Soybean Conspiracy - Paul Krugman
- Uses and Abuses of Economic Formalism - Paul Krugman
- Can the Income-Expenditure Discrepancy Improve Forecasts? - FRBSF
- The career cost of children: career and fertility trade-offs - Microeconomic Insights
- The Monumental Dishonesty and Appalling Bad Faith of Chief Justice Roberts’s Decision - Uneasy Money
- Race and economic opportunity in the United States - VoxEU
- Are markets Too Concentrated? - FRB Richmond
- Centrists against freedom - Stumbling and Mumbling
- The rise and reversal of college education - FRB Minneapolis
- Reducing inequality with the minimum wage - FRB Minneapolis
- The Right and the Wrong Ways to Adjust the U.S.—China Trade Balance - Brad Setser
- Trump Never Really Ordered a Halt to Child Separations - Regulatory Review
- Subsidised childcare, maternal labour supply, and children’s outcomes - VoxEU
- US Homeownership Patterns - Tim Taylor
Posted by Mark Thoma on Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 11:31 AM in Economics, Links | Permalink Comments (528)