Links (7/2/18)
- Trump’s Potemkin Economy - Paul Krugman
- American Democracy on the Brink - Joseph E. Stiglitz
- Worries about the yield curve - Econbrowser
- Big Tech Is a Big Problem - Kenneth Rogoff
- Scott Pruitt is now waging a war on economics - Environmental Economics
- Black-White Income and Wealth Gaps - Tim Taylor
- Fiscal Sustainability: A Primer - Cecchetti & Schoenholtz
- Dummy Variables in a Semilogarithmic Regression - Dave Giles
- Authority - interfluidity
- Double or Nothing - Economic Principals
- The First Patent Litigation Explosion - A Fine Theorem
- Long-term effects of cash transfers - VoxEU
- Micro Profs teaching Intro Macro - Nick Rowe
- Trump Versus the Hog-Maker - Paul Krugman
- There are more foreign firms than we think! - VoxEU
Posted by Mark Thoma on Monday, July 2, 2018 at 10:14 AM in Economics, Links |
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