Links (10/31/18)
- How Economic Inequality Inflicts Real Biological Harm - Scientific American
- The Great Center-Right Delusion - Paul Krugman
- Kinlessness - Timothy Taylor
- The evolution of antitrust enforcement in the United States - Equitable Growth
- The Future of Economic Convergence - Simon Johnson
- Halloween, finance and ideology - Stumbling and Mumbling
- Freelancing’s Fitful Rise - Bloomberg
- Supplemental issue honors the life and scholarship of Nobel Laureate Gary S. Becker - EurekAlert
- Too many fishers in the sea: The economic ceiling of artisanal fisheries - EurekAlert
- Uncovered interest rate parity and purchasing power parity revisited - VoxEU
- The Governance of Solar Geoengineering Deployment - Robert Stavins
- The 2018 Globie: “Crashed” - Capital Ebbs and Flows
- Where Will the Yuan Go Next? China's Big Choice - Brad Setser
- Are Negative Interest Rates Expansionary? A Review of Eggertsson et al. (2017) - Douglas L. Campbell
- Hate is on the Ballot Next Week - Paul Krugman
- Expansions Don't Die of Old Age - No Hesitations
- The Science of Inequality - Scientific American
- Income Inequality's Most Disturbing Side Effect: Homicide - Scientific American
- What really causes America’s chronic deficit in international trade - R. B. Myerson
- Central Banks No Longer Cushion Economies and Markets - Bloomberg
- A Jumping-Off Point - Economic Principals
- Taking the **Sock** out of FSOC - Cecchetti & Schoenholtz
- Why should someone who is anti-austerity care about debt - mainly macro
- Red-Hot Economy? Women Aren’t Convinced - The New York Times
- On Maximizing Employment, a Case for Caution - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
- Rent Control Returns: Thoughts and Evidence - Tim Taylor
- Health Care, Hatred and Lies - Paul Krugman
- You’ve Become Rich. That Doesn’t Mean You’re Great at Everything. - The New York Times
- Strong GDP growth, weak fundamentals - Econbrowser
- The impact of protection on trade: lessons from Britain’s 1930s policy shift - Microeconomic Insights
- Outlook for the U.S. Economy and Monetary Policy - Richard H. Clarida
- Archives of two giants of economics donated to UChicago Library - UChicago News
Posted by Mark Thoma on Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 11:57 AM in Economics, Links | Permalink Comments (401)