Links (10/24/18)
- The impact of the Clean Water Act - VoxEU
- Losing it: The economics and politics of migration - VoxEU
- The Neutral Rate of Interest -
- What’s Wrong With the 2 Percent Inflation Target - Paul Volcker
- Identifying shocks via time-varying volatility - Fed in Print
- The Remarkable Fall in Global Poverty - Tim Taylor
- Killer Politicians - Jeffrey D. Sachs
- How Economic Inequality Harms the Environment - Scientific American
- America’s Plutocrats Are Winning - Jeffrey D. Sachs
- America’s Homelessness Crisis Is Deepening - Laura Tyson & Lenny Mendonca
- Sexual harassment in academic contexts - Understanding Society
- Does Learning More at University Actually Pay Off in the Job Market? - ProMarket
- Decoupling of emissions and incomes: It’s happening - VoxEU
- Housing expenditures and income inequality - VoxEU
- The Republican tax cut is a big, fat failure - The Washington Post
Posted by Mark Thoma on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 01:24 PM in Economics, Links |
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