Links (1/7/19)
- Be prepared: A recession is significantly likely in the next two years - Larry Summers
- What Will Cause the Next US Recession? - J. Bradford DeLong
- From Yellow Vests to the Green New Deal - Joseph E. Stiglitz
- (Econometrics) Papers of the Moment - No Hesitations
- Using the Front-Door Criterion to Estimate Causal Effects - Marc F. Bellemare
- Make Benefit-Cost Analysis Meaningful - The Regulatory Review
- Can We Minimize Econogenic Outcomes? - EconoSpeak
- The return on information technology - VoxEU
- Global Networks and Financial Instability - Capital Ebbs and Flows
- When Alan Greenspan Worried about Overly Large Budget Surpluses - Tim Taylor
- “It's Crucial to Break Up Facebook” - ProMarket
- Central Bankers’ Fiscal Constraints - Kenneth Rogoff
- The Economics of Soaking the Rich - Paul Krugman
- Who’s Afraid of the Budget Deficit? - Paul Krugman
- The Impact of Import Tariffs on U.S. Domestic Prices - Liberty Street Economics
- We May Well Not Be at Full Employment Yet... - Brad DeLong
- Seven questions for Janet Yellen on financial stability - Brookings
- How Slogans Curate Public Opinion: Hard - Public Integrity
- Intergenerational mobility in the US - VoxEU
- Technological progress may be changing what we learn and how we trade - VoxEU
- The Fed and the New Year - Stephen Williamson
- What does the ‘Stupid Woman’ saga tell us about the media - mainly macro
- The Trump Tax Cut: Even Worse Than You’ve Heard - Paul Krugman
- Hope for a Green New Year - Paul Krugman
- The deep roots of development - Growth Economics
Posted by Mark Thoma on Monday, January 7, 2019 at 02:12 PM in Economics, Links |
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