A little stress release from debt ceiling worries - the status of my garden. This year I got off to a slow start, largely due to a seemingly endless winter in the Pacific Northwest. But as August approaches, things are looking up. Tomatoes are starting to set nicely:
Beans of various varieties and timings are coming up. You can't see in this photo, but another row of pole beans is coming up in the back (the handful already up the trellis were part of an earlier failed crop; the seeds rotted in the wet weather):
Winter squash is taking over half the garden:
Made something of a miscalculation - letting the blue hubbards vine up the fence:
I will need to provide some heavy duty support as they get bigger. The vine above has six fruits already set, and they all look viable. I should have put the hubbards are the other side, where I put the small sugar pumpkins. Some of the corn is starting to flower:
Something I haven't tried in the past - garlic and shallots:
Finally, a reminder of the best crop of peas I have managed, a product of our extended winter: